Month: December 2017

The Civil War and Harpers Weekly

The news has been one of our best sources for information and images for this film. When it comes to news, some of the most important articles and illustrations during the Civil War came from weekly magazines, many of whom had reporters and artists at the front. Throughout the war, Harper’s Weekly was the most widely read journal in the United States, with Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (Leslie’s Weekly) right behind it, both boasting tens of thousands of readers. They focused on newsworthy events with illustrations and stories printed within days of its occurrence, unlike previous conflicts where news might take weeks before the public was aware.

I thought I might share a few of the most striking images:

From the opening days of the Civil War at the attack on Fort Sumter


General Robert E. Lee’s surrender on Palm Sunday

And of course, in celebration of the season, I have to include one of my favorite Thomas Nast holiday illustrations from the Civil War