
A Civil War Christmas in Shepherdtown, West Virginia

This weekend, we went out to Shepherdtown, WV to see if we could get a little extra footage. This was the second annual “Civil War Christmas in Shepherdstown.” Organized by the Shepherd University Department of History, the George Tyler Moore Center, and the Shepherdtown Visitors Center there were a plethora of activities and things to see. We got lost a few times. I am not sure the maps were created for out-of-towners like us, either that, or we just had a terrible sense of direction. I suspect the latter.

There was some great living history and we took a tour of the Conrad Shindler House, which houses the George Tyler Moore Center for the Study of the Civil War, and finished off our day at the Ferry Hill plantation. Both of the buildings had portions that existed during the Civil War. We also saw the making of 19th-century ornaments, but sadly missed the shadow play that was scheduled to highlight Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem “Christmas Bells.” Below are a few photos from the day.

Civil War Christmas Tree with paper chains and tin ornaments. Many had carved wooden ornaments as well
Chair, table, and books at George Tyler Moore Center. A room, as it was in the 1860s.
Close up of binoculars and a book – Casey’s Infantry Tactics
Oranges with Cloves (pomander) on the fireplace mantel. The cloves helped preserve the fruit from spoiling and the aromas helped fragrance the home for many months.
Front of Perry Hill Plantation
Evergreen is everywhere. The most common decoration for the season at the time.