Over-The-Rhine International Film Festival, Cincinnati, Ohio

We were very excited to attend the Over-The-Rhine Film Festival in Cincinnati, Ohio in early October. The Over-The-Rhine Film Festival is the new name and expanded vision for the successful Cincinnati ReelAbilities Film Festival. Their new mission, since 2013, is to celebrate difference, diversity, and honor our shared humanity-a world where film and media reflect and value all.

We screened at the Art Academy of Cincinnati which is a fantastic building. But what really had us excited was seeing this outside the building. Our very own sandwich board clearly showing off the screening.

Sandwich board that says "Over the Rhine International Film Festival Now Showing:  The Invalid Corps"

And of course we had to get a photo of the “big screen” with the names of all the nominees for the Grand Jury Documentary Short award. 🙂 Does one of those names look familiar?

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We lost out to Life Lakota from Ryan Knapper but we have the photo to prove we were in the running!

Posted on: October 5, 2019